A SAP Assessment and EPC provides potential buyers with a report on the Efficiency of the property that they're considering purchasing. It includes a detailed and valueble breakdown of the building and its thermal elements, enabling them to make up their minds as to whether or not to make an offer on the property and to take an informed decision about its real value and the cost of any work that may need to be done. A SAP EPC inspection includes an assessment of:
The energy surveyor will inspect as much of the building as possible, although he or she won't check any area of the building that is covered, unexposed or hazardous in accordance with standard inspection procedure. A detailed inspection report will be drawn up and sent out to the client as soon as payment has been received.
If you're interested in enquiring about SAP EPC Inspections or need further advice, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you!
Legionella risk assessments call now to book your property. our affordable assessment starts from only £45.00 inclusive. call now 01706 662700 or 07926 949466